Saturday, April 13, 2013

A New Voice

Despite my efforts to arrive fifteen minutes early, I arrived at Hercules High School a mere five minutes before 8:00 AM. I immediately saw Elia, Sonya and Jun looking around for room 106. When we found that the room labeled M-106 was dark and empty, we got worried. We felt a bit silly when we realized M stood for middle school and we were in the wrong place. We found the right room shortly after.

After figuring out some technical problems with the district log ins and the computers, we began with some introductions. I got to meet a chaperone who will be going to UPENN with us this summer. Everyone seemed like nice people, just as I expected. 

We went through an informational packet that was very helpful. Even though the computers didn't work completely correctly, I still learned a lot about how to blog. After going through my whole life wanting to regularly blog, I finally have the perfect opportunity to start. I am even more excited about this summer now that this process has officially started! I'm also excited about being able to share my journey through a new voice.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness I sent you all a map of the school with not one, but two, arrows pointing to the right building and the right room to go to. :-)

    Oh well...
