Wednesday, May 22, 2013

PENN Cohort Dinner at Scalas' Bistro

Tonight was the PENN cohort dinner at Scalas’ Bistro in San Francisco, California.  Our cohort met together with some of the alumni from PENN along with a few of the donors to the program.  I managed to spend some quality time talking to Mr. Hillyer, our chaperone, while on the BART train to San Francisco. As the trip to the east coast rapidly approaches, the apprehension and excitement continues to build.  Soon the dream will become a reality and we will be able to finally venture off into the unknown.

While at the dinner, not only were we provided with some of the best food I’ve ever eaten but also we had the opportunity to meet some of the alumni from PENN.  I talked to two alumni at my table who gave me new insight into the opportunities and programs that are available at PENN.  While at the same time I had the chance to meet some of the donors who help to contribute to the ILC.

Everyone at my table had plenty of valuable information and questions to discuss.  One woman in particular kept asking me the “big questions,” such as “how does physics help to solve the current world’s technical and economic problems."  I was a little taken back by this, and had to deliver a clever response that would impress everyone at my table.  I didn’t want to give an answer that would make everyone regret their support to the ILC.  Thankfully though, I was able to deliver a response that satisfied everyone and sparked new questions and ideas.  Overall, tonight was yet another opportunity to gain unprecedented access to valuable information from alumni and respected members of the community.  There is yet but one final step before takeoff; the orientation.

1 comment:

  1. Now you’ve got me curious, Mike. What was your big answer that satisfied your tablemates?
