Today was my last Friday, and my last day, in the Social Justice Research Academy.
We only had class from 9 AM to 12 PM today. During class we all sat in a group circle and answered questions we had about the class and the subjects that had been brought up throughout all of our class sessions. We talked in the group circle and time flew by. By the time it was 12, everyone was beginning to get emotional. When class was officially over at 12, everyone cried, hugged, and said their goodbyes. I did not actually get out of the classroom until 1:30 PM.

I have packed all of my stuff except for my computer, and leaving is now a reality. When I first came here, I knew that this day would someday come; and I have had the thought in the back of my mind throughout this month. Now that it is here, I am sad. Today is the last full day I will be here with all of my new friends. Even though I am sad and I am going to miss everyone so much, I am so happy that I have had this experience.
We had the Summer Discovery Talent Show at 6 PM, which was very entertaining. Everyone who performed were very talented people. There were a lot of spoken word poets, Jun being one of them, and musicians. After the Talent Show, some people went to Karaoke, but I chose to hang out with friends and new people I had not gotten to know very well. Even though this was a night of goodbyes, it was still fun. I enjoyed everyone I got to know, and I am just glad that I did get to know them at all.
In class we had to say one word about the class; I said beginnings. We are beginning to become life long learners; beginning to become critical thinkers; beginning to create social change; and beginning to seek out the truth. This experience, in and out of class, has created the beginnings of a new me.
What an amazing class and what an amazing experience.
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